Welcome to Golden Eye Chef 2024
an International Online Cooking Contest for the Blind by Antardrishti
Important Date:
Online Recipe Video Contest
07/09/24 / Saturday – Entry Submission Start
15/10/24 / Monday – Entry Submission Close
People’s Choice Awards
09/11/24 / Saturday – Online Voting Start
18/11/24 / Monday – Online Voting End
- Totally Blind
- Partially Blind.
Award for Each Category (Totally Blind & Partially Blind).
Jury Award
- Winner – Golden Eye Chef 2024 | International
- Runner-up – Golden Eye Chef 2024 | International
- Most innovative recipe 2024
- Best traditional recipe 2024
People’s choice award
(YouTube like + comment + viewer duration)
- Most Liked Recipe
- 2nd Most Liked Recipe
Total Awards – 12
TASK: Cook any one Easy, Affordable and Delicious Dish to Boost Health.
Who can participate?
The contest is open to legally blind individuals holding a valid blindness certificate, regardless of their location, gender, language, religion, or race. Participants must be 18 years or older by September 7, 2024.
Registration and Eligibility
To register and be considered for the contest, participants must submit a video demonstrating their cooking skills along with a completed entry form. The videos will be reviewed by the team, and once approved, participants will become eligible for the contest.
Last date of Entry Submission : 15 October 2024
Entry Fee: There is no entry fee to participate in this Contest.
Judging Parameters
You are free to use your preferred language in the video. However, if it’s not in English or Hindi, please provide us with the English text of the voiceover in the video.
Venue: Online
Recipe Video : The maximum duration of the video should not exceed 15 minutes.
In your video you must demonstrate
- Your recipe must be quick and easy to prepare
- Ingredients must be easily available at home
Recipe video narrative
Good narrative in the video is a “heart and soul” of your recipe, and is an opportunity to explain why it is meaningful for the contest. The narrative might also describe your creative experience in putting flavours and textures together to create something delicious.
What makes a good narrative?
A good narrative tells a compelling story about your recipe. It gives the jury a sense of your creative process and what inspired you to create the dish.
The following questions can be used to guide your narrative but each question does not need to be addressed.
- Why did you choose this dish?
- What was your inspiration for the dish?
- What does it mean to you?
- Does the dish reflect your tradition?
- Are any ingredients locally sourced?
- Why did you combine the ingredients in the way that you did?
Rules and Regulations:
- You can submit only one recipe for the contest.
- The entries should be clearly written – List of ingredients with specific quantities to be used. Step-wise method of preparation and cooking. It must include following details.
Dish Name:
Brief description of your dish and also tell us why you are making this dish:
List your ingredients and quantities.
List your step by step preparation and cooking instructions.
- The maximum duration of the video should not exceed 15 minutes.
- Explain clearly why you chose this recipe.
- The video must contain information about the ingredients used during cooking.
- The entire cooking process has to be clearly explained in the video.
- Dish presentation must be included.
- You can use mobile camera or any other video recorder to shoot the video, you just need to remember that video must be in landscape format /view and voice and video quality should be ok.
- You have to do the cooking at your home kitchen and use only easily available ingredients.
- Any kind of help while cooking will not be allowed.
- You can take the help of others to record the video, but, apart from dubbing, no editing will be allowed in the video. You can record video with pauses to make the most of video time.
- Save your video and text file with Name and Recipe Name.
How to Participate?
- Read rules and regulations carefully
- Shoot a cooking video of yourself preparing the dish at home. Save your video. Remember, file name of your entry must have your Name and Dish Name. (for example – Contestant-Dish_Name.mov)
- Download Entry Form, Fill and email us at goldeneyechef@antardrishti.org along with your entry video and disability certificate.
- You can upload your video and document to any file sharing website such as drop box, wetransfer, google drive etc and share the link with us.
Golden Eye Chef 2024 – International Cooking Contest for the Blind. Entry Form
All the participants are requested to carefully read, understand and agree with the Terms & Conditions prior to entry because they form a legally binding agreement with respect to this Contest.
I have read the rules and regulations of Golden Eye Chef International Cooking Contest 2024 and agree to abide by them. I also certify the authenticity of the information filled in the entry form.